Last night I was talking with some people from home online and we were talking about the little weird things that everyone has.. but apparently, mine are way out there. Huh. I always thought I was just the average weird person.. but, I guess they're right. I've never really heard of anyone else who HAS to flush the toilet before they can go.. or that take their clothes with them to the shower and dry off and get changed then and there.. or people that listen to music about holocaust victims haunting people (even though thats more Tim than me. hah.). I had a list of somewhere around 30 "weird" things that I thought were semi-normal. Is it so weird to never show your toes to anyone? I hate feet. theres nothing wrong with that. Is it weird to have the urge to name EVERYTHING and if something doesnt have a name, you make sure it has one? I dont think so.

I was talking to my mom last night about the The Passion and the Bible and stuff. (For those of you who might happen to read this who dont know me.. I'm originally from Pennsylvania but I'm in Missouri for school). My mom is Catholic. Being Catholic, you would think that she believes everything in the bible. You would think that, but she doesn't. So we were talking about all kinds of stuff and I asked if she believed that the Bible was the true word of God.. and she said something along the lines of "It was inspired by God, but written by men, so of course there are a lot of mistakes and contradictions".. so we got into this big "argument". If the bible has contradictions and mistakes, then its not the true word of God. Jesus said that Scripture is true, therefore if its not, He's a liar and not the Messiah. God himself also said somewhere that they are His words.. and if its contradicting itself, its a book of lies and therefore God is not real, etc. Either the bible is 100% true or 100% false. Theres no grey area.

I wish I had the time to go more into all that. Cuz I'd really like to write something for my mom so she could understand better.. sigh.

xx days. xx days. xx days.
(I should have never given Mercedes the URL to this site. haha. or I could say how many days I really have left til I go home )


on Feb 27, 2004
Or you could say that Jesus never said the scriptures were true , and that's just one of the many mistakes in the bible
Actually I'm pretty sure that he didn't say they were true.  Most of the time he referenced them as something foreign saying things like:  "Does it not say in your scriptures that we are all children of god?"   Sort of using it to speak to them in their own culture.
I might be wrong though I havent been catholic for a long time.
on Feb 27, 2004
Hmm. I'm pretty sure he said something or other. I dont know.. I have my New Testament class in about an hour, so I'll have to look it up then.. God knows we dont learn anything in there

There is also a verse (that I can't remember even though I had to memorize it...ha) that says that the scripture is profitable for teaching, reproof, etc. etc. etc... so if its not, then that verse is a lie, and the whole bible might as well be a lie.

(i haven't been a catholic for almost a year and half. haha.)
on Feb 27, 2004

I believe you are referring to "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight." -2 Tim. 3:16.

This article is interesting. It is true, the Bible is indeed God's word. However, Jesus warned his disciples that there would be "false profits among us" spreading half truths and twisting the "Law" or God's word the Bible. Revelation speaks to all those who would change His word as being removed from the scroll of life, thus being destroyed at the great day of God almighty, at Armageddon.


If we maintain regular PERSONAL Bible study habits, we will have not only the solid defense provided by our accurate knowledge of God's Word, but better understanding of his teachings so that we can better serve him. Likewise, a personal evaluation of ones own means may strike the question, "What does God require of us?" God's word is in fact harmonious and not contradictive as stated. Further, increasing our understanding of His instructions, with personal study will help answer many questions and enhance your faith in His word.

on Mar 02, 2004
Molly, you intrigue me. I wonder why I haven't seen your blogs before. I alway love it when I stumble across a new blog to become obsessed with!
