I believe you are referring to "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight." -2 Tim. 3:16.This article is interesting. It is true, the Bible is indeed God's word. However, Jesus warned his disciples that there would be "false profits among us" spreading half truths and twisting the "Law" or God's word the Bible. Revelation speaks to all those who would change His word as being removed from the scroll of life, thus being destroyed at the great day of God almighty, at Armageddon.
If we maintain regular PERSONAL Bible study habits, we will have not only the solid defense provided by our accurate knowledge of God's Word, but better understanding of his teachings so that we can better serve him. Likewise, a personal evaluation of ones own means may strike the question, "What does God require of us?" God's word is in fact harmonious and not contradictive as stated. Further, increasing our understanding of His instructions, with personal study will help answer many questions and enhance your faith in His word.