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so I just had my face totally ruined by the mountain goats..
Published on February 25, 2004 By
Life Journals
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I've officially decided that Im probably going to switch from my xanga to here.. just because the school's filters dont let me into xanga anymore. gr.
Last night owned me. Me and the Tim took a 2 1/2 trip to St. Louis to go see the Mountain Goats. I was kind of sick feeling so I really kinda didn't want to go.. but I went anyway. Tim introduced me to tMG about 2 or so weeks ago. Oh man. New favorite band. John Darnielle is amazing. So anyway.. we drive out there (making a stop in Nostalgiaville and some comic book stores along the way) and just kind of drive around StL for awhile looking at stuff. I got to see the big scary arch thing. haha. So yeah. We park and walk up the street to the bar where tMG is playing.. and its not open yet. So we go back to the car.. he reads his comic books and I studied for my Old Testament test I was -supposed- to have in the morning. 8:45 rolls around, we get out of the car and go back to the bar. This place reminded me of home. haha. That's kinda scary though... why would a bar remind me of home? Only because my mom has worked at one since I was born.. the smell of cigarettes and drunk people are kind of comforting to me, even though I dont like it.. if that makes sense.
So yeah. The first band plays. Manichevets or something like that. Eh. Not to impressed. We went outside and stood around for awhile to get away from the cancer that was the air of the bar. grossness. The singer of the band sounded like they should put a "The" in front of their name.. he had that whiney fake accent wanna be garage punk band kinda thing. Ick. When we were outside, Tim said something like "Wow, I wonder if they're done sucking cuz I'm done listening".. it was funny then at least.
FINALLY after FOREVER, John and that other guy (Peter?) got on stage. I was really surprised that I knew almost every song he played.. but.. wow. just. wow. I have never been to a show where the singer was soo emotional about his music. Holy crap. Definitely face ruining material. He is beyond amazing. Soo yeah, he plays about 10 songs and says good night and leaves.. then he jumps back on stage and plays some more. THe last song was.. aaaaah so great. haha. It was definitely worth the lung cancer and the smelly clothes.
The ride back didn't seem to take too long at all. Maybe its because we didn't shut up most of the way. haha. We both smelled sooo gross though. Stupid smokers. Oh well. Definitely worth it. I think its been the best show I have EVER seen... even better than Five Iron Frenzy.. which, if you know me, that's hard to top. But yeah. We did a lot of talking. Definitely a lot of not hating each other. A lot of listening to weird funny stuff... and yeah. it was nice. I think Tim is probably the only person besides Mercedes and George that I could be around for 14 hours and not want to kill. I havent seen him yet today though.. I kind of accidently on purpose slept in til my 9am class.... haha. So studying for the OT test was fruitless.
Wow, this is a long entry. I think I'm done now. I need to study like what.. D- in New Testament survey is enough to make me want to die.
(I'm considering getting my name legally changed to that.. thoughts?)
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on Mar 02, 2004
Yes, this is much better than Xanga....hope you stick around.
on Mar 02, 2004
Aren't they related in some way to The Extra Glenns? I have heard a song or two, I like it.
on Mar 02, 2004
This may show how ingnorant I am, but what exactly does it mean to get your face ruined? I need to try to keep up with the slang now that I'm out of college.
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